News — Conservation

Bee Informed: Native Plants for Restoration, Caffeine Helps Bees Learn to Find Flowers, and Monarch Butterfly Declared Endangered

Bee Informed: Native Plants for Restoration, Caffeine Helps Bees Learn to Find Flowers, and Monarch Butterfly Declared Endangered

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. "These Are My Most Trusted Native Plants For Restoration And Here’s Why" (Anna Murray, Xerces Society) I am a pollinator habitat specialist, which means that I plant a lot of plants. In my 15 years of growing native plants in nurseries and restoring habitats in national parks, college campuses, home gardens and farms, I estimate that I have personally grown or planted over 90,000 native plants and facilitated the planting of over 260,000. Here are a few native plants that...

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Bee Informed: Murder Hornets Given a New Name, Meet the Robber Fly, and Threatened Wild Bees Get Help from Washington Researchers

Bee Informed: Murder Hornets Given a New Name, Meet the Robber Fly, and Threatened Wild Bees Get Help from Washington Researchers

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. Murder hornets given new common name by entomologists (Associated Press) The invasive hornet found in Washington state that has been referred to as the Asian giant hornet or murder hornet has a new name. Washington state Department of Agriculture officials said Monday that the Entomological Society of America (ESA) has adopted “northern giant hornet” for the species Vespa mandarinia in its Common Names of Insects and Related Organisms List. Continue reading... 2. Meet the Robber Fly, a predator of insects in...

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