Fortunately, most of the tools we use for harvesting Mason bee cocoons are everyday items you likely already have!

  • Clean tubs or bowls and a colander or strainer for washing bee cocoons;
  • Clean Bee™ Solution in case Chalkbrood is present;
  • A Reed Splitter for quickly opening natural reeds or bamboo reeds (don’t use bamboo!)
  • A Cocoon Comb for removing cocoons (for wood trays and natural reeds). If you don't have a cocoon comb, you can use a Phillips head screwdriver.
  • A HumidiBee™ Cocoon Humidifier for Mason Bees for storing clean cocoons
  • Cocoon Harvest Set you can see it in action - Cocoon Harvest Sets video
  • Paper towels or clean rags to pat cocoons dry after washing
  • A dry wire brush or old toothbrush to remove stuck-on debris (for wood trays)
  • Scissors to open Inserts used with Cardboard BeeTubes.

Pro Tip: Some of your Natural Reeds or BeeTubes may have been partially filled with cocoons! Before opening, use a Cocoon Finder to check if the materials are partially used or if they can be set aside for next year. Our Cocoon Finder makes finding cocoons a breeze, but if you don't have one, you can mark a stick at the length of the nesting tube and insert the stick into the open end of the nesting tube. If you can see the mark, there are likely cocoons inside. If not, the reed or tube is likely empty, and you can set it aside for use next spring!

Just like eating tacos, harvesting can be a bit messy! Lay down some newspaper to make cleaning up easier. Time to pull out the fun harvesting tools. Efficient harvesting tools can really make a difference.

So, what makes harvesting messy? Well, you'll find all sorts of things inside the nesting materials. As expected, you'll find healthy mason bee cocoons, mud, bee frass (poop), pollen loaves from bee eggs that never hatched, and maybe dead larvae.  

You may also find Chalkbrood, pollen mites or other parasites. A healthy ecosystem will have some parasites as many parasites are native predators that evolved alongside mason bees. But that doesn't mean we have to allow them to feast on our overwintering bees! Harvesting cocoons allows managed bees to thrive year after year!

Pro Tip: If you find large, chubby, or plump larvae that fill the nesting chamber or non-mason bee cocoons, these may be wild bees or beneficial wasps. Read our Wild, Native Bees: Remove, Protect, & Store to learn what to do if you find these other beneficial pollinators!

Useful harvesting tools for reeds include Cocoon FinderReed Splitter, and Cocoon Comb.

Start by using a Cocoon Finder to check if any cocoons are inside the reed. Insert it into the open end; if you see green, cocoons are present. If not, the reed is empty and reusable next season.

  1. At the node end of the reed, use our Reed Splitter or pinch the mud-capped end with your fingers, splitting the reed open. This won't harm the bees. For many reeds, save your fingers with a Reed Splitter or wear thin gardening gloves.
  2. Pry the reed apart and gently remove the cocoons with a Cocoon Comb.

We don't suggest using bamboo as nesting material. Watch this video on how to transition from harmful nesting houses to healthier.

Next step, wash the cocoons & treat with CleanBee™ Solution.


First, take out the Spring Inserts for Mason Bees from the Cardboard BeeTubes (keep the cardboard tubes for the next season), and then pick one of the following options.

Option 1: If you have plenty of Inserts, soak them in warm water for 10-15 minutes to soften the glue.

Option 2: Tear or cut one end of the Insert, which will easily come apart. Carefully use your fingers to separate the mason bee cocoons from the paper.

Next, wash cocoons & treat with CleanBee™ Solution.

BeeTubes with Inserts

We don't suggest using BeeTubes without Inserts as nesting material due to parasitic wasp risks, [VIDEO DAVE], but if needed follow these steps:

Start by using a Cocoon Finder to check if any cocoons are inside the tube. Insert it into the open end; if you see green, cocoons are present. If not, the tube is empty and it can be reused with an insert next season.

  • Tear or cut one end of the BeeTube and unravel it to release the cocoons.

Next, wash cocoons & treat with CleanBee™ Solution.

Useful harvesting tools for wood trays includes Clean Bee Solution and Cocoon Comb

  1. Remove the green rubber bands and the cardboard backing (save both to reassemble the trays once clean).
  2. Lift the first tray, and using the Cocoon Comb, gently remove cocoons, mud walls, and other debris. Keep your removal tool at a 45-degree angle. You can brush away any pollen mites and mason bee frass with a stiff brush or old toothbrush. Remember to check both sides of the nesting trays for cocoons.
  3. If you find chalkbrood, you'll need to spot clean the wood trays with an old toothbrush or qtip with Clean Bee. CleanBee™ Solution a safe alternative to bleach. You only need to apply the Clean Bee to affected areas, not the entire tray or bee house.
  4. Watch our video Clean Bee Solution for Harvesting Mason Bee Cocoons
  5. Once the trays are clean and dry, reassemble the nesting trays by aligning the side grooves. Double-check the trays are snug and there are no gaps between the tracks. Store over winter with cardboard backing and rubber bands attached to trays.

Next, wash cocoons & treat with CleanBee™ Solution.

Pro-tip: We don't suggest using drilled wood as nesting material. Watch our video on how to transition from harmful nesting houses to healthier options.

Add the Mason bee cocoons to the water, and gently stir to clean off mud and debris.

Frass (bee poop) may require some friction to remove from the outside of the cocoon. If this occurs, gently rub cocoons between your fingers to remove stuck-on debris.

We've found a colander or slotted spoon makes for quick and easy removal of cocoons. Gently pat the cocoons dry with paper towels or a clean towel/rag. Allow cocoons to continue to air dry for about 30 minutes.

If you find evidence of Chalkbrood, spray Clean Bee™ directly on mason bee cocoons. A light mist on all sides, is all you'll need!

Alternatively, you could use a mild bleach solution (1 tsp. bleach to 1 cup of water). However, this method is more caustic, and you'll need to rinse cocoons with fresh water after soaking to remove excess bleach.

Pro Tip: Checking for trouble! Any C-shaped dead larva is a tell-tale sign of Chalkbrood infection and should be thrown away. Cocoons with small holes may have a parasitic wasp infestation - remove and throw these out too!

We recommend setting your fridge temperature to ~34°F (1°C). Modern frost-free refrigerators have reduced moisture levels and after a few weeks in the fridge, your cocoons may begin to dry out. To prevent dehydration of Mason bee cocoons, we've developed the HumidiBee Cocoon Humidifier.

Add about a tablespoon of water once a month to your HumidiBee container to keep cocoons from drying out.

Spores from cheese are constantly circulating around your refrigerator, which can sometimes cause cocoons to become moldy. You can often prevent spores from reaching your cocoons by placing the HumidBee Cocoon Humidifier in a paper bag.

If you do notice excessive mold growth (a little is OK) in your HumidiBee or on Mason bee cocoons during winter storage, you can re-wash cocoons in cool water, pat dry, and spritz with Clean Bee™ to treat mold growth. Rinse the HumidiBee pads in warm, soapy water, let dry, then evenly spritz Clean Bee™ on both sides of the HumidiBee pads and Mason bee cocoons.