The Buzz On...
The Buzz On... is a bi-monthly video series featuring Dave and Kellie in the first episode, and Dave with a guest expert in the second. Tune in for tips and insights on raising healthy solitary bees!
Stayed tuned for new videos, hosted on YouTube.
Season Two
The Buzz On... Mason Bees
Mason bees are perfect pollinators for spring gardens, farms, and orchards because they are gentle, easy to raise, and are fun to watch. Click here for more information on raising Mason bees.
The Buzz On... Creating a Bee Habitat
No matter they type of home you live - an apartment with a balcony or a house with a yard - you can provide a habitat for the native bees in your area.
The Buzz On... Community & You
By engaging your neighbors and local officials, you can make a difference for native bees!
The Buzz On... Leafcutter Bees
The super-pollinators of summer! Leafcutter bees are perfect for mid-late season garden vegetables and fruits, such as apples, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, and peas. Click here for more information on raising Leafcutter bees.