Pollinators are not just fascinating animals. They perform an essential ecological function, and without them, we (and the rest of the terrestrial world) would not survive. Climate change, habitat destruction, and the ubiquitous use of pesticides, among others, are harming pollinators— and people.
Earth day has been around since the '70s, but it has never been more critical than it is today! Please join us in utilizing these resources to celebrate and make a positive impact this Earth Day (April 22, 2022) and EVERY DAY.
Earth Day: The Official Site
- The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do? Click here for information on Earth Week events and activities in your area.
- Check out these 52 actions and tips to make a difference, every day of the year!
- Help protect pollinators by taking the Pesticide Pledge!
Crown Bees: The Official Site
We've got a lot of great resources on our own site to help you support our planet.
- The Importance Of A Pesticide-Free Yard (Article)
- Community Garden Pollination Program (Program)
- Mason Bee Edu (Program)
Pop some organic popcorn and kick back with a film or virtual event!
- April 20th - Join Penn State’s Sustainability Institute, Penn State’s Water Council, and WPSU for the final film in both the Driving It Home and Soundings film series — Small Island Big Song. This celebration of the Pacific Islander diaspora through music, dance, and film also explores the growing threats to Pacific Island cultures and peoples from climate change and sea level rise. Following the film, we will have a post-film discussion panel led by Penn State’s Water Council. The film is free and open to all; pre-registration required.
- Celebrate Earth Day With These Informative Documentaries That You Can Stream!
- Join Earth Day Initiative on April 21st, 2022, as they convene in a virtual format around the world and in-person again at New York City’s Union Square. The Earth Day 2022 Festival + Virtual Stage will provide a valuable space for the climate and environmental communities to connect with the public, meet and learn from one another, and bring new people into the movement.
Learn Current Environmental News — EcoWatch: The Official Site
Here are few of our favorites:
- Climate Change: Everything You Need to Know
- 'Dirty Dozen' and 'Clean Fifteen' Lists for 2022: Conventional Produce With the Most and Least Pesticides
- Small Gardens Can Make a Big Difference for Urban Bees
To stay up-to-date on bee-raising tips and reminders, events, pollinator research, and sustainability insights, sign up for our monthly BeeMail newsletter and follow us on social media!