![Wood Tray for Leafcutter Bees](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0788/7018/4244/files/210222-ws-lc-78-wood-tray-rt-img-1301.jpg?v=1690268979)
Autumn time and the harvest is easy . . . with our reusable wood trays.
Our wood trays are sourced locally and banded together with UV-resistant rubber bands, suitable to outdoor conditions. The cardboard backing on the rear of the trays provides a closed end to the nesting cavities, which encourages female bees to nest. The foam Pest Blocker that rests between the cardboard backing and the tray keeps unwelcome guests at bay. We burnish the front of the trays to remove splinters, help warm the bee house in the morning and provide a visual pattern to help bees find their nesting cavity.
We offer wood trays in two nesting cavity sizes—8mm diameter for mason bees and 6mm diameter for leafcutter bees.
- Place the nesting tray as far back in the house as possible.
- Keep the Pest Blocker fabric and the protective cardboard backing attached to the nesting tray.
- At the end of bee activity for the season, remove the nesting tray and store in a BeeGuard Bag Pest Prevention Bag until cocoon harvest in October.
- During cocoon harvest, use a stiff brush to remove pollen mites and debris. Do not use water or other liquids.
- Spot clean trays for chalkbrood infections with CleanBeeTM - a safe alternative to bleach. A little CleanBee goes a long way.
- Allow to thoroughly dry.
- Store trays assembled with rubber bands to maintain tray shape.
Pest Blocker Fabric Instructions
- Place Pest Blocker along the backside of your reusable wood tray. The Pest Blocker is reusable. Rinse and air dry as needed.
- Attach the cardboard backing with the green rubber bands ensuring there is no gap.
All tray sets are 5.5” wide and 6” deep.
- 48-cavity Spring Mason Bee Tray: (8mm) 3.25” high (also available in farmgrade)
- 96-cavity Spring Mason Bee Tray: (8mm) 6.25” high (also available in farm grade)
- 78-cavity Summer Leafcutter Bee Tray: (6mm) 3.25” high (also available in farm grade)
- 156-cavity Summer Leafcutter Bee Tray:(6mm) 6.25” high (also available in farm grade)
Allow an extra inch in width and height to your DIY house measurements so you can easily remove the trays.