Our smallest instant bee hotel is an adorable way to provide vital nesting habitat for your local solitary bees!
Lifestyle photos may not accurately depict what is included with this product. Please make sure to read the specifications below.
- Bee Adventure Bee House: 2" H x 2" W x 8" D
- Two colors: Green and Beige. We can not guarantee which color will be shipped.
- 3 BeeTubes - size 4mm
- 3 BeeTubes - size 6mm
- 3 BeeTubes - size 8mm
- 3 Natural Reeds - size 6mm
- 3 Natural Reeds - size 8mm
- Instructions Printed Inside Label
- Wild, native bees come in a variety of sizes and need a nesting cavity that is the correct size.
- Our nesting materials come in an array of diameters to suit most bee species. Our Natural Reeds and BeeTubes are easy to open and replace to ensure bee health.