Stop sneaky parasitic wasps from attacking your reusable wood nesting trays.
Small parasitic wasps search for weak spots in mason and leafcutter bee nests. Our Pest Blocker for Wood Trays discourages parasitic wasps from entering the back of your wood nesting trays. The fabric is anti-fungal, washable and reusable.
Select the size that matches the size of your reusable wood tray set. As of January 2020, all orders of reusable wood tray sets will include the Pest Blocker fabric.
- Place Pest Blocker along the backside of your reusable wood tray.
- Attach the cardboard backing with the green rubber bands ensuring there is no gap.
- Rinse and air dry as needed.
- Medium
- 48-cavity Mason Bee Trays
- 78-cavity Leafcutter Bee Trays
- Large
- 96-cavity Mason Bee Trays
- 156-cavity Leafcutter Bee Trays