Hi! Whether you’re new to the world of leafcutter bees, or a seasoned bee raiser looking for a refresher course, we’re here to help!
In this guide, we cover what to do once your leafcutter bees arrive at your doorstep.
Leafcutter bees are different from mason bees in that they arrive about ready to emerge and fly! So, you'll want to make sure your yard and garden are ready to release the bees as soon as they come. All our bees ship 2-day FedEx, while our houses and other products ship according to your checkout preference. For example, if you purchase bees (2-day) and a house (USPS Ground) at the same time, your bees will arrive before your house. If you are purchasing hard goods and bees, make sure you factor shipping in when picking your leafcutter bee ship date.
Is Your Yard and Garden Ready?
Read our Before You Release Leafcutter Bees for a more detailed description of yard and garden requirements for leafcutter bee success. In short, your yard and garden are ready when:Â
- Your bee house is mounted on a solid object;
- Your bee house has 6mm nesting materials for female leafcutter bees to build their nests;
- You have a cocoon hatchery to protect the cocoons from birds, sun, wind, and rain;
- Daytime temperatures are at least 70°F/21°C or warmer;
- There are open blooms within 300 sq. ft. (100 sq m) of your bee house; and,
- Your yard and garden are free of chemicals.
Step 1: Bee-cautious, Bees may have emerged during transit!
We are unable to regulate the temperature of your leafcutter bee cocoons once they leave our facility. Sometimes extreme temperatures or shipping delays may cause your bees to emerge during transit. Please follow these simple instructions, so you don't end up with leafcutter bees flying all over your house!
To check to see if your bees have emerged, put the entire FedEx package in the fridge for 15 minutes before opening. The cold temps calm the bees and allow you to open the tube without the risk of bees flying away. They may still try, but they should be slow enough to catch!Â
IMPORTANT:Â Leafcutter bees cannot be stored in the refrigerator for long periods. Do not exceed 30 minutes in the fridge!
Step 2: Choose a Scenario
What you do next is based on your individual scenario.Â
Scenario 1: Emerged Bees + Yard and Garden Ready
If bees have emerged and your yard and garden are ready, then you can place any emerged bees and un-emerged cocoons inside your bee house. They'll get to work straight away!Â
Scenario 2: Emerged Bees + Yard and Garden NOT Ready
Since we ship our bees FedEx 2-Day (Canada Post in Canada), they sometimes arrive before your bee house. If this is the case, first complete step 1, then place a cotton ball saturated in 50/50 sugar water inside the cocoon box with the bees. Place the box in a naturally cool location inside your home.
Emerged leafcutter bees will only be able to survive in the box for a few days, so make sure to release emerged bees as soon as your house is set up! If, after 3 days, you still don’t have your house set up, release the bees outside near where the house will be located for them to begin the mating, foraging process.
Pro Tip:Â Leafcutter bees have a set of large mandibles useful for cutting leaves. Unfortunately, they've also been known to use these mandibles to chew their way out of cardboard containers! Place the bees and cotton ball in a hard plastic container to prevent these determined bees from chewing their way out! Just remember to poke a few air holes in the container!
Scenario 3: Unemerged Cocoons + Yard and Garden Ready
Excellent! You can place your cocoons in your cocoon hatchery or another small, breathable container to protect cocoons from birds, sun, wind, and rain until they are ready to emerge.
Intact cocoons can't regulate their temperatures, so if temperatures are above 90°F/32°C, you may consider allowing the cocoons to emerge indoors (in a breathable bag) and release them in the early morning hours as they emerge.Â
Bee Patient! Depending on the weather, it can take up to a week for bees to emerge, but they are a lot of fun to watch once they do!
Scenario 4: Unemerged Cocoons + Yard and Garden NOT Ready
Place the box in a naturally cool location inside your home. Do not place cocoons in the refrigerator!
Check on the bees a couple of times a day to ensure they have not started to emerge. If they start to emerge, follow the instructions above for Emerged Bees + Yard and Garden NOT Ready.
Once your yard and garden are ready, you can place your cocoons in your cocoon hatchery or another small, breathable container to protect cocoons from birds, sun, wind, and rain until they are ready to emerge.
Bee Patient! Depending on the weather, it can take up to a week for bees to emerge, but they are a lot of fun to watch once they do!