We recommend Clean Bee™ as a safer alternative to bleach for targeting mold, chalkbrood (a fungal spore), and other surface diseases that can harm your mason bees. Click here to learn more about Clean Bee™ and view instructions.
- Contains 10 Mil. of product, more than 1/2 Tablespoon. It only takes a small amount. Please see instructions.
- Naturally occurring, HOCl is a pure and stable compound that is safe for humans, animals, and insects.
- During bee cocoon harvest, lightly apply Clean Bee™ to the inside of your reusable wood nesting trays to treat for chalkbrood and other infections.
- Spray Clean Bee™ on your mason bee cocoons to treat mold growth in your HumidiBee container during winter storage.
- Manufactured by Briotech, Inc.
- Use all contents or replace yearly.
- Material Safety Data Sheet. (Very safe!)