News — Pollination

Bee Informed: Sustainability, Alternative Pollinators, and Resilience Gardens

Bee Informed: Sustainability, Alternative Pollinators, and Resilience Gardens

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. Why bees are critical for achieving sustainable development.  Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment - This article explores bees' contributions towards achieving the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are the blueprint for achieving a better, more sustainable future for all people on the planet. The article shows the crucial role bees play in meeting the SDGs through providing: 1) quantity and quality of food, 2) nutrition and medicine, 3) inclusive communities, 4) biofuels, 5) forest conservation and regrowth, 6)...

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Pollinator Conservation: Time to Focus on Native Bees

Pollinator Conservation: Time to Focus on Native Bees

Imagine a scenario in which a terrible avian virus sweeps through North America, decimating the poultry industry. Ranchers lose tens of thousands of chickens, and many leading poultry operations go out of business. Chicken and egg prices skyrocket, causing many restaurants and bakeries to close down. Even in this scenario, however, I would not expect to see “save the birds” bumper stickers, articles in leading magazines discussing “a world without birds”, or environmental preservation agencies campaigning for bird conservation on account of this event. This is because we understand that a chicken crisis, albeit a consequential one for many industries...

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One Tree Planted - Interview at Oxbow Farm in Washington State

One Tree Planted - Interview at Oxbow Farm in Washington State

Crown Bees cares about sharing what we learn about solitary bees. For that reason, the founder and owner of Crown Bees is readily available to national podcasters, news and video production crews, researchers and authors. Recently the video producers at One Tree Planted conducted an interview with Dave Hunter, owner of Crown Bees, at Oxbow Farm and Conservation Center in Washington State. One Tree Planted is an environmental charity "dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, fight climate change, protect biodiversity and help reforestation efforts around the world. All by planting trees!"   During the interview,...

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Dave Hunter
A Natural Deterrent for Social Wasp Nests

A Natural Deterrent for Social Wasp Nests

Learn how to naturally deter social wasps from building a nest near your home. You may begin to notice and worry about social wasp nests in the late summer. Social wasps like paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets have similar life cycles and their nests become large enough to notice in the summer. Social wasps look for a protective overhang like a tree branch or unfortunately, your house's eave. There is a natural and free solution to keeping social wasps away from your home. Social wasps are territorial and the queens are looking for a nesting location with the least...

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