Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. The loss of insects is an apocalypse worth worrying about (Vox) Perhaps you don’t think much about the value of dung beetles. But without them crawling around farms, stables, and wild savannas today, the world would be pretty, er, shitty. What about the importance of small, mosquito-like flies called midges? Without them, there’d be no chocolate and likely no ice cream because they pollinate both cacao and the plants that feed dairy cows. “There are lots of tiny little things...
Traditionally, caring for spring Mason bees was a straightforward affair, involving three simple steps: installing the bee house, releasing the cocoons, and then enjoying the fruits of their pollinating labor. However, the emergence of the Houdini Fly, an invasive parasite targeting Mason bees, has necessitated an important addition to our care regimen.
Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. Hundreds of new native bees species added to Oregon database (OPB.org) The Oregon Bee Atlas just got bigger. In an update announced this month, the largest bee and plant database in the state added hundreds of new native bee species that were discovered all over Oregon. The atlas was created because of a lack of information available about the state’s bee populations. The program’s scientists collect data from each county with help from trained volunteers who collect bee specimens. In the latest...
Mason bees are susceptible to many parasites and diseases, increasing over time, especially when the same nest materials are used for multiple seasons. One of the most destructive diseases of cavity-nesting bees is chalkbrood, which is caused by the fungal pathogen Ascosphaera. Several species of Ascosphaera exist, including Ascosphaera torchioi (affects mason bees), A. larvis, and A. aggregata (affects alfalfa leafcutter bees). Chalkbrood disease also affects honey bees, but it is caused yet another species of the fungus—Ascosphaera apis. Adult bees are not affected by chalkbrood, but they contribute to its spread. Adult masons pick up Ascosphaera spores from flowers and transfer them to the pollen ball they create for their...