News — Bee News

Bee Informed: The "Right to Garden", Pesticides in Milkweed from Nurseries, and Backyard Mosquito Spraying Impacts Birds and Bees

Bee Informed: The "Right to Garden", Pesticides in Milkweed from Nurseries, and Backyard Mosquito Spraying Impacts Birds and Bees

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. Only Two States Have Passed ‘Right to Garden’ Laws. Will Others Follow? (Civil Eats) Carrots, baby kale, and spinach never tasted so sweet. After emerging from a multi-year legal battle over gardening, Nicole Virgil is looking forward to cultivating those vegetables and more this winter in her backyard. Growing one’s own food, central to human existence for millennia, has suddenly become a hot-button topic in some communities. From Michigan to Massachusetts, people have been thwarted—or even outright banned—from growing food on...

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Bee Informed: Murder Hornets Given a New Name, Meet the Robber Fly, and Threatened Wild Bees Get Help from Washington Researchers

Bee Informed: Murder Hornets Given a New Name, Meet the Robber Fly, and Threatened Wild Bees Get Help from Washington Researchers

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. Murder hornets given new common name by entomologists (Associated Press) The invasive hornet found in Washington state that has been referred to as the Asian giant hornet or murder hornet has a new name. Washington state Department of Agriculture officials said Monday that the Entomological Society of America (ESA) has adopted “northern giant hornet” for the species Vespa mandarinia in its Common Names of Insects and Related Organisms List. Continue reading... 2. Meet the Robber Fly, a predator of insects in...

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Bee Informed: Beenome 100 Project, My Garden of a Thousand Bees, and Cool Spring Reduces Pollination of Cherry Crops

Bee Informed: Beenome 100 Project, My Garden of a Thousand Bees, and Cool Spring Reduces Pollination of Cherry Crops

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. What genetic sequencing can reveal about the secret lives of bees ( Bees are, in many ways, the darlings of the insect world. Not only do they play a crucial role in thriving ecosystems, but they’re also harbingers of the worsening consequences of climate change. To bolster our knowledge of bee biology and behavior, a new effort dubbed the “Beenome100 Project” is building a first-of-its-kind library of dozens of different bee genomes. Researchers can use that information to tackle big...

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Bee Informed: The Insect Apocalypse, Tracking the Invasive Giant Hornet, and A Vision For More Sustainable Farmlands

Bee Informed: The Insect Apocalypse, Tracking the Invasive Giant Hornet, and A Vision For More Sustainable Farmlands

Each month our Bee Informed Blog highlights current news, science, and research related to solitary bee conservation, food insecurity, and sustainability. 1. The loss of insects is an apocalypse worth worrying about (Vox) Perhaps you don’t think much about the value of dung beetles. But without them crawling around farms, stables, and wild savannas today, the world would be pretty, er, shitty. What about the importance of small, mosquito-like flies called midges? Without them, there’d be no chocolate and likely no ice cream because they pollinate both cacao and the plants that feed dairy cows. “There are lots of tiny little things...

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